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Counselling & Psychotherapy
What is Counselling & Psychotherapy?
​We all experience difficulties and distress in our lives. Sometimes people can be isolated but at other times, even where an individual has the most supportive family and friends, they can find it difficult (if not impossible) to explain why. For example, they may be feeling anxious or depressed. Or it may be easier to talk about personal, family or relationship issues with a person who is impartial and professional. Other life issues and events which can be very difficult to deal with include bereavement, divorce, redundancy, health issues, bullying and so on. However, you do not have to be in crisis or on the verge of one, before choosing to have therapy. You may be experiencing underlying feelings of dissatisfaction with life in general or be seeking balance in your life and spirituality. All of these reasons and more will
The therapist can explore any issue that you would like to bring to the session. The guiding principles of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) will be the focus of the therapy if you desire.